Wednesday, June 24, 2009

s0me0ne spEciAl...

there is someone that i really am likes him(as a friend) so much!! not from SMKBR, ok? actually, he's cute, ok, simple, humor, and always chat with me. before i move from KL, each time when the school ends, we will walk home together... and dont take it wrongly, ok! we walk with some other friends which is with my brother, jon, his sister and others.... in the class he sits just right behind me. so sometines we always talk and talk even though that there is s teacher teaching in the class! haha... and sometimes i also "bully" him! not that kind of bully, ok? when it's time for break, he always give me and my two other friends share his bentou together!! so yummy! his mother is a good cook! his container is soooooooo cute!! it is blue in colour, two-storeys and most importantly.... the CUTE little penguin!!!! ahhhh i want to bite it to pieces!! ok, back to the topic, we are very close and i can classify him as a "bestfriend"...

but, things change... maybe it could be very rare for me to meet him again.... so long, my dear friend...... may you R.I.P..... haha just kidding...

p.s: sila renung-renungkan ayat2 kat dlm gmbar kat sebelah ni... supaya anda memahami apa itu maksud 'persahabatan'.... thanks....

(that SMKSI has one session only, which is the school stars in the morning and ends in the noon. generally all forms from 1-5 is in the same session.)

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i'm just a simple girl. i'd like to meet aliens, casper,my friends,and anyone who likes me and are not rude . i don't like someone who is hipokrit, materialistic, and annoying.
