Friday, June 26, 2009

now i changed my mind....

sorry guys psal ckp bnda yg truk2 psal smkbr tu... actually tu aq ckp msa aq bru pndah, so biasalah, msti rsa bosan and x best kat skolah tu kn?? skrg, well, i think i've changed my mind coz i started to like the school... hihi.... sorry 4 confusing you all but that's what i really thought of the school. the teacher's nice, friends here pun rmai and ok2, so there's no point for me to hate the school. now, i admit it, that i REALLY loves the school....

(1 more thing, hihi.... sori la sbb label utk post ni sbnarnya utk apa yg aku x suker ajer.... tp nk buat kesinambungan utk post yg dulu tu sbb x nk kelirukn y'all, so trpksalah gunakan label yg sma... sorry eh? thanks...)

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i'm just a simple girl. i'd like to meet aliens, casper,my friends,and anyone who likes me and are not rude . i don't like someone who is hipokrit, materialistic, and annoying.
