Friday, June 26, 2009

bleach only!!

i love X- Japan (and Hide-kun!)

now i changed my mind....

sorry guys psal ckp bnda yg truk2 psal smkbr tu... actually tu aq ckp msa aq bru pndah, so biasalah, msti rsa bosan and x best kat skolah tu kn?? skrg, well, i think i've changed my mind coz i started to like the school... hihi.... sorry 4 confusing you all but that's what i really thought of the school. the teacher's nice, friends here pun rmai and ok2, so there's no point for me to hate the school. now, i admit it, that i REALLY loves the school....

(1 more thing, hihi.... sori la sbb label utk post ni sbnarnya utk apa yg aku x suker ajer.... tp nk buat kesinambungan utk post yg dulu tu sbb x nk kelirukn y'all, so trpksalah gunakan label yg sma... sorry eh? thanks...)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

s0me0ne spEciAl...

there is someone that i really am likes him(as a friend) so much!! not from SMKBR, ok? actually, he's cute, ok, simple, humor, and always chat with me. before i move from KL, each time when the school ends, we will walk home together... and dont take it wrongly, ok! we walk with some other friends which is with my brother, jon, his sister and others.... in the class he sits just right behind me. so sometines we always talk and talk even though that there is s teacher teaching in the class! haha... and sometimes i also "bully" him! not that kind of bully, ok? when it's time for break, he always give me and my two other friends share his bentou together!! so yummy! his mother is a good cook! his container is soooooooo cute!! it is blue in colour, two-storeys and most importantly.... the CUTE little penguin!!!! ahhhh i want to bite it to pieces!! ok, back to the topic, we are very close and i can classify him as a "bestfriend"...

but, things change... maybe it could be very rare for me to meet him again.... so long, my dear friend...... may you R.I.P..... haha just kidding...

p.s: sila renung-renungkan ayat2 kat dlm gmbar kat sebelah ni... supaya anda memahami apa itu maksud 'persahabatan'.... thanks....

(that SMKSI has one session only, which is the school stars in the morning and ends in the noon. generally all forms from 1-5 is in the same session.)

Friday, June 19, 2009

0ld FrieNdS...

ni sume kwn2 aku masa kat SKDK tu...

najwa : si bossy
fatihah :yg simple cukup lerr...
nureen : rajin n manja
Syafiqa : si mak cik mulut murai!
mimah : si kecik molek!
afiqah : mengada2 sket tp baik la...
Suzilyana : oii... kitorang dulu nih 1 kepala nih!! nkal!!
lyana :si kuat mkan n sukakn Zali!
swati : childish n terlalu baik la pulak
atiqah : suka nyebok x kirala masa tgh brbual ke/masa tgh amik gmbar! ada je muka dia!
Fatin :pndai, mulut becok sket n baik la gak... suke ngusik org dia nih!)

that's all my friends (yg aku ingat la...)masa kat Danau kota dulu.... the best moments in my life!
enjoy the pics,ok?

make me smile pleeeaaasse....

i dont know what to say, but i wanted to inform u all to please make my little heart happy always please... i have something that i could say that i have melancholy every night... i can't sleep, my heart says that "i'm all alone" and started to cry out the tears... i dont know why, but perhaps it's psychology...... many sad things had happened to me last 3 month ago... really make me wanted to cry out loud...(COL, not Lol,k?)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

school? SUCKS!!!

what's the meaning of "school"? OMG i can't stand it! i reeaallly don't like the new annoying school(which is SMKBR). sorry guys from that f***ing school. well, the school is nerd and the laws are tight and nonesense! AARRGGHH.... enough i don't want to talk about that school! EVER!!

p.s: sorry guys(especially from SMKBR)... for saying such things. i just telling the true feelings about that school. sorry, k?

10 Preci0us MoMeNts in My LiFE

FiRsT~ masa aku buat Farewell Party kat rumah lama kat danau kota. Syiokk sangat masa tu! memang best yang teramat sangat!! tulah majlis pertama dan terakhir yang dibuat oleh audy ketika berada di danau kota.. T_T

SeCoNd~ masa hari keputusan UPSR keluar. memang, audy rasa macam dalam heaven masa tu!!! OMG... i've got 5A's!!!! rasa cam nak lompat dan pengsan gak lah masa tu. atas pentas tu jugaklah air mata audy meleleh mavcam air paip keluar!!! thankyou, my god, for giving me this great moment....

ThIrD~bila audy sekeluarga pergi cuti kat Cherating, Pahang(pahang ke?).memang masa tu indah betullah! bila dah balik rumah pun boleh tersenyum-senyum seorang diri lagi teringatkan peristiwa tu...

FoUrTh~ masa nikki dan audy bersama. maaflah, tak boleh cerita pasal hal ni sebab melibatkan hall peribadi audy! maaf ye? hehe

FiFtH~masa majlis akhir tahun 6 kat SKDK. best jugaklah masa tu. audy pakai baju hoody berbelang warna violet dan memakai gelang izzat yang ada spiky!(cewah...) tapi takdelah lucky sangat masa cabutan yang tak bertuah sangat tu....

SiXtH~apalagi kalau bukan kat SMKSI!! the best school that i've belajar kat sana! best lah dengan adanya cikgu zana, mimah, low, fatihah, and tak luper lerr... syafiqa sadhik batcha!!! haha sori syaf... XD

SeVeNtH~masa kat the garden, dekat dengan one utama with my cousins. masa tu the gardens baru bukak lagi, so kitorang amiklah gambar kat papan apa entah!!

EiGhTh~ masa kat penang(with my family gaklah) cuti akhir tahun. sayangnya x dapat naik parachute(or whatever u spell it)....

NiNtH~ masa dapat new handphone sempena kejayaan dalam UPSR audy. masa tu pun audy dapat banyak kutipan daripada seluruh family audy,tau? ada la dalam rm 10009tak tipu, ok? kisah benar ni!)

~ haha! mestilah masa audy dapat gak berhenti sekolah agama tu... dah lama audy mengidam nak berebti, tau! akhirnyer tercapai gak...!!!

tu jelah apa yang audy nak tulis. papepun, audy akan selalu update blog audy ni. sesaper yang visit blog audy ni, audy nak ucapkan arigatou gozaimasu!!! tenkiu sesangat! ^____^

About Me

My photo
i'm just a simple girl. i'd like to meet aliens, casper,my friends,and anyone who likes me and are not rude . i don't like someone who is hipokrit, materialistic, and annoying.
