Thursday, July 23, 2009

ku tak mahu bertepuk sebelah tgn...

aku suka dia tp x tau cmne nk luahkan prasaanku... aku x nk amik lngkah drastik, so i need to be close to him in the first step. aku patut tegur dia ke, sapa ke, atau buat pape je asalkn dia tau yg aku ni "wujud"... tp, sayang.... semua kberanian dan kemesraanku hilang entah ke mana...
aku sememangnya pndai bergaul, mesra dan boleh berborak ngan sesaper je termasuklah bebudak laki... but not to "him". aku bebetul gemuruh, cemas dan menggelabah kalau jumpa dia.... wlaupun dia buat dunno je kat aku, tapi...hakikatnya aku terlalu cemas. i feel reeeeaaaaalllllllllly f***ing upset and disappointed with myself about this.... i really wanted to cry now..... may god bless us all,please....

Friday, July 10, 2009

should i let go of him just because another person's happiness?

patut ke aku lepaskan perasaanku yg mendalam trhadap dia hnya kerana untuk kebahagiaan org lain? i dont know what is actually my heart's telling me, but there's one thing i really sure what my emotion's telling me; i love him... . i felt jealous when someone trying to get close to him(espsecially girls...), then when he's in trouble, i felt pity and worried about him... so many expression on me of him...

but...., he has many admirers... which is so popular and great berbanding aku... i felt so small to get him into my hand. maybe i just deserves to dream about him only.... let him decides which one he wants... may he and his gf have a great life and have a happy ending...

ok then, aku da buat keputusan! i think i should let go of him and keep going on to my life. i know that's what is best for me, him and for everyone... and i sure that all of us will found the happiness in our life, including me...

maybe we are no fated to be together, but, my heart will always remember you and call your name, wherever you are... may god bless us all...

About Me

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i'm just a simple girl. i'd like to meet aliens, casper,my friends,and anyone who likes me and are not rude . i don't like someone who is hipokrit, materialistic, and annoying.
